Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Wellness: Winter Wellness

Today is the 3rd morning in 2013 that I've woken up to snow. Although I love this season for many reasons (winter sport activities, hot chocolate, scarves, blankets, and cuddling to name a few), I do not enjoy the common cold and flus that tend to accompany winter. There are many ways that I have learned to care for my body during this chilly time of year and I want to introduce you to one of my favorite supplements to help bolster the immune system: elderberry.

That's right, your European Grandmother knew exactly what she was talking about when she fed you elderberry jam or maybe while serving you that post-dinner cordial.
Some of the berry's constituents attach to the a bit of your cellular anatomy called the ribosome. Viruses and bacteria also use the ribosomes to hitchhike into cells because on their own they cannot permiate cell walls. Inviting elderberry into your daily life can be a delicious way to protect your health cells from invasion. I recommend Wyldewood Elderberry Juice as it is free of added sugar and goes great with my morning oatmeal. Another great brand to look for is Gaia Herbs ( Of course, if you have the means, growing your own is the best method always!

Stay well and the season grows cold in 2013!

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