April 3rd is National Walking Day. The American Heart Association has declared the first Wednesday of April as a day for celebrating the ability most of us have to walk around on these limbs and feet.
Do you know how many steps you walk each day? According to The Walking Site,
"The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long.
That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000
steps is close to 5 miles."
Today I challenge you to walk more than what is normal for. Do it for fun! Do it for your heart health! Do it to better connect with the Earth! Do it just because you can! Here are some suggestions:
1. Walk to work and back.
2. Walk to lunch and back.
3. Take a hike (even better, take a hike with your friends)
4. Have an errand to run - walk there instead.
5. Walk over to a friend's house and surprise them with a bundle of flowers to celebrate Spring
6. Walk to the Grocery Store (don't forget your reusable bag!)
7. Walk to the nearest coffee house and enjoy a cup of your favorite treat (better yet, invite a friend to join you!)
8. Offer to walk your neighbor's dog!
9. Walk up the stairs when you would normally take the elevator or escalator
And the BEST idea of all:
10. Set up a Massage, Reiki, or CranioSacral session with me and choose to walk there - Did you know that I offer 10% off for arriving to your session without the use of a car?!!!